Submissions for 2024

Event date: 19th October 2024


To submit a film or media piece for our festival please click the button to our Film Freeway page which details the terms of submission and any fees.

Our main guidelines for submissions are:

1. At least one Head of Department or credited Actor must identify as a Christian of any denomination (Producer, Director, Writer, Cinematographer, Sound Designer, Production Designer, credited Actor)

2. Any genre of production is welcome (e.g. narrative film, documentary, music video, animation, experimental film, video game demo, podcast recording, romance, action, comedy, horror etc.)

3. May have been produced at any time.

4. Must have cleared all performances, audio, and visual material for use in exhibition.

5. Submissions must have an English language audio track, or else English language embedded subtitles.

6. Any entry accepted for inclusion in our programme will be available to view at our physical event, as well as in our online programme (online for 30 days after the event).

7. One free ticket to attend the event will be allocated to each selected filmmaker, including access to pre and post show receptions for professionals (worth £25.00). Selected filmmakers may be invited to participate in a Q&A or panel discussion at the event.

8. Accepted projects may be utilised for festival promotion in future, in part, never in whole, including any still images supplied.

9. You may be asked if you would like to make your film available to church and community groups through SCFF, if your film is accepted to the festival programme.


19th August 2024
Shortlisting Deadline from £15

September 8 2024
Extended Deadline from £20

Notification date of acceptance - 9th September 2024

Moving Image

Submit a film, music video, animation, video game trailer or demo or other moving image work for our 2024 programme.


Got something to say about faith and the media, or a specific aspect of film and media production?
Propose a seminar, panel discussion or practical workshop.

Discuss media theory, share practical skills, personal experiences and testimony, consider how faith and media interact.


Let people see behind-the scenes and record one of the following in front of our live audience:

  • Podcast

  • Score a short film

  • Audio commentary for a film